AGNR Groups

Web Groups for the College of Agriculture &
Natural Resources and Affiliates

Search the Website Manual

Attaching a file to a page

Once you have a page with content, you can attach documents using a file field. Not every content type has a file field, and the names of the fields may be different from site to site, but typically you’re looking for a name like “files” or “documents.” Example: On the Page content type on the...

Selecting a file from the server

Start by opening the file browser.

Uploading a file from your computer

Open the file browser.

Creating folders

In some locations, you can create new folders (aka directories) to further organize your files.

Searching the file browser

The file browser has rudimentary search capabilities that can help you find a file by name.

Featured Links

Featured links are a special way of presenting a link and an image that can only be found on section homepages. On the Maryland Poultry homepage above, the yellow box highlights the Featured Links. Featured links are a graphical way to present information, and they can add interest and call...

Logging into Google Analytics

Visit to view Analytics data.

Registration form settings

You cannot change the fields on the registration form. The “Basic” form only comes with name, email, and message fields. For more complex registrations, we recommend linking to a Webform . However, you can change other settings for registration, such as whether registrants receive reminders, and...

Manage registrations

Banner Image

Extension Programs have the option to use a custom graphic banner that appears above the tabbed menu. (All County Offices use the same pre-designed banner.) If you would like to have a banner for your section, please send a gif, jpeg, or png image exactly 970 pixels wide to the Web Team. The height...
