AGNR Groups

Web Groups for the College of Agriculture &
Natural Resources and Affiliates

Featured Links

Featured links are a special way of presenting a link and an image that can only be found on section homepages.

Screenshot of MD Poultry homepage
On the Maryland Poultry homepage above, the yellow box highlights the Featured Links.

Featured links are a graphical way to present information, and they can add interest and call attention to content of your choosing.

Here’s how to add them.

Open your section homepage for editing

Screenshot of Training County homepage with edit tab highlighted

Look for the section “Featured Links” close to the top of the edit screen.

For each Featured Link, you must:

  1. Upload a picture and
  2. Provide caption (Title).

You may also optionally:

  1. Provide a link (URL)
  2. Add a Summary

The image will be automatically sized when the page is saved, and the Title will be overlaid on the bottom of the image. If you provide a URL, visitors can click on the image to be taken to that URL.

Featured Links fields for image, Title, URL, and description

You may add as many Featured Links as you like, by clicking the Add another item button.

Add another item button


Since the first featured link is displayed across the entire content area, it works well to only have one Featured Link.

Any items beyond the first are displayed beneath in a 3-column grid. So it’s ideal to choose either one or four Featured Links for a nicely formatted homepage.


Be aware of the way Featured Links are displayed. As you can see in the image below, the first Featured Link is larger than the others, displayed at the full width of the page content area, while the others are displayed below it in a 3-column grid. The Summary field is only displayed on the first Featured Link. Even though the second Featured Link has a summary, it is not shown on the published page.