AGNR Groups

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Natural Resources and Affiliates

MACAA Constitution

Adopted July 1989

ARTICLE I - Name and Objectives

Section 1:
This association shall be known as the Maryland Association of County Agricultural Agents (MACAA).

Section 2
The objectives of this association shall be:

  • To develop effective working relationships among members, other Extension personnel, the Extension administration and lay leaders.
  • To encourage a high standard of professional performance.
  • To encourage professional improvement.
  • To work in the interests of members for improved benefits, and
  • To cooperate in carrying out the policies and programs of the University of Maryland.

ARTICLE II - Membership

Section 1
Any Extension professional regardless of race, color, sex, handicap, religion, age or national origin who has an appointment with the University of Maryland, except administrative personnel, may become a member of this Association by paying the annual membership dues. Regional Extension Directors and Department Heads may have all membership privileges except holding office or serving as a delegate to the NACAA Annual Meeting.

Section 2
All Association members upon retirement will be granted Life Membership in the MACAA and the National Association of County Agricultural Agents (NACAA) and will have all privileges except voting, holding office or serving as a delegate to the NACAA Annual Meeting.

ARTICLE III - Officers

Section 1
The officers of this association shall be a President, President-Elect, Vice-President, Treasurer and Secretary.

Section 2
The President-Elect shall automatically advance into the office of President at the Annual Meeting of the association. All other officers will be elected at the Annual Meeting. Officers serve from one Annual Meeting until the next.

Section 3
The duties of the officers of this association shall be as spelled out in the MACAA Handbook.

ARTICLE IV - Vacancies

Section 1
The President-Elect shall serve in the absence, inability or removal for cause, of the President. The Treasurer shall serve in the absence, inability or removal for cause of the Secretary. The Secretary shall serve in the absence, inability or removal for cause of the Treasurer.

Section 2
The Vice-President shall assume the duties, but not the office, of the President-Elect in the case of a vacancy in that office. Such vacancy will not be filled until an election can be held at the MACAA Annual Meeting.

Section 3
In the absence, disability or removal for cause of any other officer, that office shall be filled until the first annual meeting thereafter, through appointment by the remaining members of the Executive Committee.

Section 4
Any officer, or committee members resigning or retiring from their Extension position, shall automatically vacate the office held in the Association.

ARTICLE V - Nomination and Election

Section 1
Nomination of candidates for offices of this association shall be by a nominating committee, appointed by the President. Following a presentation of the Nominating Committee's report, the meeting will be opened to nominations from the floor of the meeting, and where more than one nominee is presented for any office, election shall be by written ballot. Each voting member will be permitted to cast one ballot for each such elective office.

Section 2
The election of officers will take place at the MACAA Annual Meeting, and they shall hold office from the time of their installation until their successors are installed at the next Annual Meeting.


Section 1
An MACAA Handbook containing the philosophy, objectives, policies and organizational structure shall be made available to every member. The duties and responsibilities of the officers and committees of the association will be detailed in this book.

Section 2
The Vice President of the association shall be responsible for keeping the Handbook current. Annual revisions will be approved by the Policy Committee prior to being sent to members.

ARTICLE VII - Meetings

Section 1
There shall be one Annual Meeting of the MACAA. Additional meetings may be held when deemed necessary by the Executive Committee.

Section 2
The fiscal year of the Association shall be the time period of one Annual Meeting until the next.

Section 3
A notice shall be sent to all members at least thirty days prior to any meeting of the association.

Section 4
The voting body at meetings of the association shall consist of paid members.

ARTICLE VIII - Committees

Section 1
The Executive Committee of the association shall consist of the President, the four elected officers and the immediate Past President. This committee shall be vested within the authority to conduct business affairs of the association. The Executive Committee shall be the Governing Board of the MACAA Foundation Fund.

Section 2
Standing committees of the association shall be appointed by the Vice-President and approved by the Executive Committee prior to the Annual Meeting. Committee chairmen will be named and approved far enough in advance so as to conform to the deadlines of the NACAA. <

Section 3
Appointed standing committees shall include the following:

  • Extension Programs
  • Annual Meeting
  • Professional Training
  • Association Policy
  • Recognition & Awards
  • MACAA Foundation Fund
  • Communications
  • Audit Committee
  • Scholarship
  • Program Resource Development
  • Membership
  • Nominating Committee
  • Public Relations
  • Life Member Organization (added 4/95)
  • 4-H & Youth
  • Professional Excellence

Section 4
All committees, other than standing committees, shall be appointed by the President.

Section 5
The duties and responsibilities of the various committees shall be detailed in the MACAA Handbook. All committee reports shall be subject to review and approval by the Association Policy Committee.

ARTICLE IX - The MACAA Foundation Fund

Section 1
The MACAA Foundation Fund is a non-profit educational foundation.

Section 2
The purpose of the foundation is to provide opportunities for furthering the objectives of cooperative extension work and the MACAA, and to provide professional improvement and recognition of achievement of MACAA members.

Section 3
The Governing Board of the foundation shall be the MACAA Executive Committee.


Section 1
The fee for membership in the association shall be paid annually, is due January the first of each year, and must be paid by April the first before an eligible faculty member will be officially recognized as a member of this Association.

Section 2
The amount of the membership fee will be determined by a simple majority of members present at the MACAA Annual Meeting.

ARTICLE XI - Order of Business

Section 1
Roberts Rules of Order shall apply in all meetings of this association.

Section 2
The order of business for Annual Meetings of this association shall include:

  • Call to order by the presiding officer
  • President's annual report
  • Welcome and introduction of new members
  • Minutes of previous meeting
  • Treasurer's report
  • Committee reports
  • Elections
  • Committee assignments
  • Unfinished business
  • New business
  • Installation of officers
  • Adjournment

ARTICLE XII - Amendments

Section 1
This constitution may be amended, revised or repealed at any meeting of this association by an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the members present and voting, provided that sufficient notice of the proposed amendments, revisions, or repeals has been mailed by the Secretary to each member of the association not less than thirty days prior to the opening date of said meeting.

Section 2
Amendments or revisions must originate at a previous annual meeting or with the Executive Committee.

Section 3
The amendments or revisions of the Constitution shall go into effect as soon as adopted.