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Master Naturalist Assignments

Volunteer Training Pre-Reading Assignments

Welcome Trainees! Your Program Facilitator has provided you with a Training Schedule and the designated pre-reading for each training session.

  1. These pre-readings are designed to give "basis" information about each topic with which we feel all Trainees should be familiar. Please also take the time to review the related chapter in your Master Naturalist Resource Manual.
  2. The Units will not be taught in order.  Not all Units have a pre-reading at this time.
  3. Please refer to the schedule in preparing for each class in order to know what pre-reading content to review.
  4. The pre-readings are from multiple Instructors and do not necessarily reflect your Instructor's presentation.
  5. The supplemental readings are "extra" reading that Instructors thought you might find interesting depending on your knowledge level.
  6. Note that your Host Site and/or actual session Instructors may have additional pre-readings for you to review.

First Class Orientation: Introduction to the Maryland Master Naturalist Program

Unit 1: Natural History

     Supplemental Readings

Unit 2: Flora & Fauna




  • Botany Chapter (printed in your Volunteer Manual)
  • 2 study questions 
    Supplemental Readings




     Supplemental Readings


     Supplemental Readings

Reptiles & Amphibians

     Supplemental Readings

Unit 3: Ecology

  • Ecology Chapter - in your manual

     Supplemental Readings

Unit 4: Humans and the Landscape

     Supplemental Readings

Unit 5: Science of Science

     Supplemental Readings

Unit 6: Teaching and Interpretation

     Supplemental Readings