AGNR Plan of Organization
- Purpose
The purpose of this plan of organization is to provide a structure for shared, balanced governance of the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, giving due regard to rights, responsibilities, and participation of the entire College community.
- Mission
The mission of the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources at the University of Maryland, College Park, is to provide education and conduct research related to agriculture, natural resources, and environmental biology; to provide service to the campus, agricultural professional community, state and local governments, and to the citizens of the State. Research is intended to expand basic knowledge, to analyze important issues, to create and transfer new technology, and to help provide solutions to practical problems and critical issues. Educational programs are provided for undergraduate and graduate students as well as other citizens both on and off campus.
- College Units
The following units academic and non-degree granting comprise the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources:
- Academic Units
Department of Biological Resources Engineering
Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics
Department of Natural Resource Sciences and Landscape Architecture
Department of Animal and Avian Sciences
Department of Nutrition and Food Science
Institute for Applied Agriculture
Department of Veterinary Medicine - Maryland Cooperative Extension (MCE)
Region I
Region II
Region III
Campus Faculty - Maryland Agricultural Experiment Station(MAES)
- Maryland Campus of the Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine
- Academic Units
- Administration
- Dean. The Dean is the chief executive officer of the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources. The Dean has overall responsibility for the College's facilities, budget, academic affairs, research operations, programs, operations, and personnel matters. The Dean also serves as Director of Maryland Cooperative Extension and the Maryland Agricultural Experiment Station. The Dean has statewide responsibility for articulating the mission and goals of the College. The Dean is appointed by authority of the President of the University of Maryland upon recommendation of the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost, following a search involving substantial participation by faculty, staff, students, and constituents of the State.
- Associate and Assistant Deans/Directors and Assistants to the Dean/Director. The Dean may appoint Associate and Assistant Deans/Directors and Assistants to the Dean/Director who serve at the Dean's discretion. Associate or Assistant Deans/Directors may be appointed for each of the major responsibility areas of instruction, research, extension, and international programs. Each of these shall assist the Dean to administrate College operations. Appointments shall be made with substantial input from College faculty, staff, and students. All University procedures with regard to appointments and/or re-appointments will be followed.
- Unit Heads. Each unit of the College shall be administered by a chairperson, center director, or regional extension director. Unit heads are responsible for their unit's budget, program direction, welfare, and personnel matters, including recommendations for appointments, tenure, promotions, and salaries, in concert with procedures of the University. Each chair or unit head will be appointed by the Dean following a search process with substantial involvement of faculty, staff, and student clients of the unit. All University procedures with regard to appointments will be followed.
- Governance Structure and Organization
The overall current structure for the College is attached (see attachment). The Dean shall communicate with and be advised by the Administrative Council, the Faculty Advisory Council, the Staff Advisory Council and the Agriculture and Natural Resources Student Council. The Dean and/or Director shall be responsible for the appointment of the College's standing committees and other advisory councils.
- Administrative Council
- Purpose: The Administrative Council shall consider and advise the Dean in all matters of the College, including academic, budgetary, and personnel matters.
- Membership: All department chairpersons/associate deans/assistant deans, RED's, and key academic/administrative leadership are members of the Council.
- Meetings: Meetings shall be called by the Dean at least twice a year.
- Faculty Advisory Council
- Purpose: The Advisory Council shall advise the Dean.
- Membership: Membership on the Council shall include the following:
- Elected College Park faculty senators of the College
- One faculty representative from each College unit not entitled to a campus senator
- One faculty extension assistant
- One research associate
- Organization: The Advisory Council shall establish its own organizational structure and elect a chairperson and an executive committee. The Advisory Council may convene a meeting of the College Assembly.
- Meetings: The Advisory Council shall meet on a regular basis, at least once per semester, when called by the chairperson of the council.
- Agriculture and Natural Resources Student Council
- Purpose: It shall be the objective of this council to coordinate the activities of various clubs and organizations within the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources; to promote agriculture and natural resources public relations throughout the University; to foster the spirit of unity, friendship, and sociability among the students and faculty members of the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources; and to promote participation in extracurricular activities of the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources.
- Membership: Active members of organizations and clubs in or related to the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources are eligible for membership in the council. Examples of clubs include Alpha Gamma Rho, Alpha Zeta, and the American Society of Agricultural Engineers.
- Organization:
- Each organization or club shall have two representatives on the council elected by the active members of that organization or club during their annual elections.
- Representatives shall serve on the council for a term of two (2) semesters and may serve for an unlimited number of terms.
- Representatives can serve as voting council members for only one organization or club.
- Member clubs shall be responsible for appointing alternate representatives on a temporary basis should the need arise. In the event of a representative not returning to school or resigning, the vacant position shall be filled by a special election conducted by the organization or club concerned.
- Officers of the council will not represent any individual organization or club.
- Meetings: Council meetings shall be held at least once every other week during the fall semester and once a week during the spring semester.
- Staff Advisory Council
- Purpose: To function as an advisory board to the Dean of the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources (the Dean), and provide a mechanism for input on issues and concerns of campus and non-campus staff.
- Membership: The Council membership shall consist of one elected staff representative from each of the following units/departments:CMREC/WMREC, WREC/LESREC, CITO, IGS/FCS/4-H, NRSL, ANSC, AREC,ENBE, IAA, NFSC, VTMD, Region I, Region II, Region III, Dean's staff, and any additional members appointed, or units recognized by the Dean of the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
- Organization:
- Elections will be held in each department/unit approximately 4 months prior to the end of the current members' term, and must be completed prior to the last quarterly council meeting of the term.
- Terms of membership will be for two years, beginning January 1of the Calender year following election to the Council. There shall be no limit to the number of terms an individual may serve.
- Whenever a mid-term vacancy occurs on the Council, it will be filled by special election to complete the remainder of the term.
- CHAIR. The chair shall call and preside over Council meetings, maintain communication with the Dean regarding Council activities and issues needing attention.
- CO-CHAIR. The co-chair shall provide written notice of council meetings to all members, and assume the duties of the chair in his/her absence.
- The chair and co-chair shall be elected from the Council membership by the Council members at the last quarterly Council meeting of the calender year.
- Committees may be assembled by the Chair, Co-chair or Dean of the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, for specific purposes with specified completion dates.
- Meetings: The Council will meet a minimum of four times a year. Special meetings may be called by the Dean of the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources or the Chair of the Council. Written notice of quarterly meetings shall be provided to all members of the Council. Notice of any special meetings shall include the purpose for which the meeting is being held. A quorums required to conduct any business needing a vote by the Council. A quorum shall consist of at least 2/3 of the membership either present or by proxy. At all meetings, each member present, or by proxy shall be entitled to one vote. A majority vote is required for passage of motions. Members may also cast votes by physical or E-mail at the direction of the Dean of the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources or Chair of the Council. The Chair, or in his/her absence, the Co-Chair, shall preside at all meetings. In the absence of both the Chair and Co-Chair, the Council may select any member to act as Chair of the meeting.
- Administrative Council
- College Assembly
- Composition: The Assembly of the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources shall include all faculty and staff.
- Purpose: The purpose of the assembly is to foster involvement of faculty and staff in College affairs. The Dean shall report to the assembly. The assembly shall conduct the business of the College, receive reports, and stand as the forum for recognition of College personnel achievements.
- Membership: All faculty and staff members shall belong to the Assembly. Undergraduate and graduate students may be invited to attend on an ad hoc basis.
- Meetings: There shall be at least one assembly meeting each academic year called by the Dean. The Dean shall present a state of the College address at one assembly each year. If formal business is to be conducted, it will be done in accordance with Robert's Rules of Orders Newly Revised. A majority of the membership shall be considered a quorum.
- Organization: The assembly shall be chaired by the chair person of the Faculty Advisory Council. Assembly organizational rules shall be established by the assembly.
- College Committees
College committees are established at any time by the Dean in consultation with the Faculty Advisory Council. An ad hoc committee on Strategic Planning shall be appointed by the Dean as needed.When an ad hoc committee is to be established, a clear statement must be made concerning the nature of the committee charge and the maximum time for its existence. In addition to any ad hoc committees, there are two standing committees:
- Appointments, Promotion, and Tenure (APT)Committee
- Purpose: The APT Committee shall advise the Dean on appointments and promotions proposed by College units. The APT Committee may also advise the Dean on procedural and policy matters related to appointments, promotions, and tenure. Policies and procedures established by the APT Committee shall at all times conform to approved policies of the campus and of the University. Specific policies of the College process shall be written and made easily available to all interested parties.
- Membership: The APT Committee shall consist of one tenured faculty member selected from each College unit granting tenure.Unit heads will be asked by the Dean for nominations to the committee, and appointment to the committee will be made by the Dean, in conformance with campus policies regarding inclusiveness and distribution of academic rank. The term of membership on the APT Committee will be staggered and will be for two years.
- Organization: The APT Committee will elect its own chairperson and establish its own organizational procedures that conform with campus policies and procedures.
- Meetings: The APT Committee will meet at the discretion of the Dean and committee chairperson.
- Programs, Curricula, and Courses (PCC)Committee
- Purpose: The PCC Committee reviews and makes recommendations to the Dean concerning the establishment, modification, or termination of College programs, curricula, or courses leading to academic degrees or certificates; the creation, abolition, or reassignment of departments of instruction, bureaus, centers, institutes, or other units whose purpose includes academic instruction leading to a UM degree or certificate. The PCC Committee also reviews and makes recommendations, through the Dean, to the Campus Senate Graduate and Undergraduate Committees on Programs, Curricula, and Courses.
The committee shall be especially concerned with the thoroughness and soundness of all proposals, with their role in meeting the mission of the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources or of the College Park campus, the need for the proposal,its effect on available resources, appropriateness of the sponsoring group, and conformity with existing regulations.
- Membership: The PCC Committee shall consist of one member of each academic unit of the College, with the exception of IAA. Unit heads will be asked by the Dean for nominations to the committee.Appointments to the PCC Committee will be made by the Dean from the list of nominations. The Associate Dean for Academic Programs shall serve as an ex-officio member of the PCC Committee.
- Organization: The Dean shall appoint a chairperson for the PCC Committee from the committee members.
- Meetings: Meetings will be held as needed to complete the PCC Committee charges in a timely manner.
- Purpose: The PCC Committee reviews and makes recommendations to the Dean concerning the establishment, modification, or termination of College programs, curricula, or courses leading to academic degrees or certificates; the creation, abolition, or reassignment of departments of instruction, bureaus, centers, institutes, or other units whose purpose includes academic instruction leading to a UM degree or certificate. The PCC Committee also reviews and makes recommendations, through the Dean, to the Campus Senate Graduate and Undergraduate Committees on Programs, Curricula, and Courses.
- Appointments, Promotion, and Tenure (APT)Committee
- Unit Organizations
Each unit of the College shall establish a plan of organization.Unit plans of organization shall conform with the Campus Plan of Organization. Unit plans should be revised as needed.
- College Senators
The College of Agriculture and Natural Resources shall set up an election committee to elect College senators composed of faculty representatives of the units and population within the College. The College of Agriculture and Natural Resources shall appoint an election committee to conduct the election. The committee shall be made up of not less than five and not more than seven faculty members. Nominations shall be taken for each unit's senator and theat-large senators. The election committee shall conduct elections as needed to fill senate vacancies in each unit and at-large seats.
- Election of Faculty Senators. The election committee shall coordinate with each unit to conduct elections within the units and shall conduct the election for at-large senators. The faculty in each unit conducting elections are eligible to nominate colleagues to fill the unit's senate seat as well as the College's at-large senate seat(s). The election committee shall make every effort to ensure that every eligible faculty member has the opportunity to submit nominations.
- Apportionment of Faculty Senators.For the purposes of apportionment, all units, academic and nonacademic,shall be treated alike.
- Senators shall be elected from a unit and from at-large.
- Each unit shall have no more than one senator representing that unit solely.
- Election of College of Agriculture and Natural Resources Graduate Senators. The College shall select one or two graduate candidates to run in the at-large election. The College of Agriculture and Natural Resources' Advisory Council shall appoint a nomination committee composed of graduate students to choose nominees. Eligibility and term of office are determined by the Senate's "Plan of Organization."
- Election of College of Agriculture and Natural Resources Undergraduate Senators. The College of Agriculture and Natural Resources' Advisory Council, with participation from the Agriculture Student Council, shall appoint an election committee to conduct an election of the undergraduate senator(s). Eligibility and term of office are determined by the Senate's "Plan of Organization."
- By-Laws
By-Laws to this plan may be established by anyone named in this plan and shall be in accordance with this and other Campus Plans of Organization.
- Amendments
Proposed amendments to this Plan of Organization should be presented in writing to the chairperson of the Faculty Advisory Council. The Faculty Advisory Council chairperson shall schedule proposed amendments for discussion and action at the next regular or special meeting of the college assembly. The chairperson will notify faculty and staff in advance of the meeting, through unit chairpersons or directors, that these proposals will be considered.An amendment shall be adopted with a majority assenting vote of those present at the assembly meeting. The vote will be by secret ballot.
- Adoption
This plan shall be adopted upon approval by the College Park Campus Senate and with majority approval of the faculty of the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources voting on this plan.