AGNR Groups

Web Groups for the College of Agriculture &
Natural Resources and Affiliates

Group Roles

Different people can have different roles within a group, which changes what they have permission to do. Here are the 3 group roles on the AGNR Groups site.

  • Administrator members have permission to edit the content of the group and manage the members.
  • Contributor members have permission to edit pages, but not to manage members.
  • Regular members (Role will appear blank) have permission to view the private content, but cannot edit it.

Group Manager

In addition to the three standard roles, there is a special position for a Group manager.

Responsibilities of the group manager

  • The only group member who receives new membership emails
  • The only person who will receive emails from the "Contact the Group manager" form on the group homepage.

If you are a group manager, it is crucial that you keep your email address up to date, and ensure that the "Personal Contact Form" checkbox is checked on your profile. If you cannot be contacted, your group will not function as designed.

The manager must be an administrator member. The only way you can change the manager is by contacting the Web Development Team.